Open Positions
We are seeking exceptionally motivated and enthusiastic team members. Please contact Prof. Güntner if you are looking for a student project or a PhD position at the interface of mechanical, chemical and biomedical engineering.
There are multiple fellowship options to fund a PostDoc at ETH Zurich. Reach out to us if you like to apply to one of the following funding schemes, we are happy to support you if the research topic makes sense.
Speculative application
If nothing above fits your profile, then send us a speculative application by email. Please include as a single compressed pdf file (<5MB) (1) a cover letter, (2) a detailed CV, (3) three professional reference contacts incl. a direct phone number, (4) your Bachelor and Master transcripts in English, and (5) links to your strongest publications.
Dep. Maschinenbau und Verf.technik
Sonneggstrasse 3